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alibi a way of defending oneself against criminal charges by showing that one was not at the scene of the crime when it happened. [1/2 definitions]
background the part of a picture or scene that is towards the back or seems to be furthest away. [1/2 definitions]
cameo a minor role usually played by a well-known actor or other famous person, often occupying a single scene of a film. [1/2 definitions]
diorama a scene represented by objects in the form of people, animals, or things, placed in front of a painted background.
dissolve in films and videotapes, a change of scene by having one fade while the next appears dimly and gradually grows clearer and replaces the first. [1/5 definitions]
dramatic If something is dramatic, it shows or causes a lot of emotion. A dramatic scene in a movie makes people feel strong emotion when they watch it. If a person is being dramatic, they are showing strong emotion. If someone reads something in a dramatic way, they make other people feel the emotion in what they are reading. [1/3 definitions]
editor An editor is someone who works in the movies and makes decisions about things like how long each scene of a movie will be, what order scenes will be in, and what scenes or pieces of film will stay or be cut out of the final film. An editor also makes decisions about the sound for the film. Editors often work together with a film's director to make these decisions. [1/3 definitions]
extra An extra is a person who appears in a film or TV show but doesn't speak any lines and is not a particular character. Extras are needed in movies where additional people are needed in a scene to make the scene look real. For example, in a scene that takes place on a city street, there will be extras walking up and down the sidewalk. [1/6 definitions]
footage a portion of film, such as a scene from a movie or part of all the film that was shot at a particular event.
mime the art or practice of telling a story or acting out a dramatic or comical scene by means of hand and body movements rather than speaking; pantomime. [2 definitions]
scene A scene is the place where some event takes place. If the scene of an accident is the corner of Oak Street and Maple Street, it means that that corner is the place where the accident happened. [5 definitions]
take a scene made without interruption. [1/25 definitions]
view the area that can be seen from a particular point; scene; vista. [1/7 definitions]