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reaction A reaction is a feeling or action that comes immediately after something else and is caused by it. When some people suddenly see a big spider, their reaction is to scream or jump away. When someone touches a poisonous plant, their skin's reaction is usually to become itchy, very hot, or painful. [1/2 definitions]
scream When someone screams, they make a loud sound with their voice at a high pitch. People often scream when they are very afraid and surprised at the same time. Sometimes people scream when they are very excited or happy. [2 definitions]
squawk to give a harsh scream. [2 definitions]
stand When you can stand something, you can live with it even if it is very bad. If you have pain but you can stand it, you don't cry or scream. If you can't stand the pain, you will cry and scream a lot. If you can't stand something, you try to stop it or get away from it because it is too terrible for you to live with. Sometimes when you say you can't stand something, it means that you hate it or you really don't like it. [1/12 definitions]
tantrum When a young child has a tantrum, they get very, very angry and usually make a lot of noise. They might scream or yell, or they might stamp their feet or pound something with their fists. A tantrum usually lasts several minutes.
yell a loud cry or shout; scream. [1/2 definitions]