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pinniped a mammal with front and back limbs that look like fins. Pinnipeds have a round head and a round body that gets thinner towards the end. They spend much of their life in the ocean, but raise their young on land. Walruses, sea lions, and seals are kinds of pinnipeds.
seal2 a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Seals are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of seals live in both warm and cold parts of the world's oceans. A few kinds live in fresh water. Seals are carnivores that eat fish and sea birds. They are closely related to sea lions and walruses.
sea lion a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Sea lions are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of sea lions live on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Sea lions are carnivores that eat fish and squid. They are closely related to seals and walruses.
walrus a large mammal with tusks and thick, brown skin. Walruses are the largest pinnipeds or mammals with four flippers instead of feet. They spend much of their time on beaches or on frozen ocean in Arctic regions. Walruses are closely related to sea lions and seals.