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behind the scenes not in view or on display; in private; in secret.
blackmail Let's say you did something bad and your brother saw you do it. You know he can tell your parents and get you in trouble, but he says he will not tell them what you did if you pay him some money. What your brother is trying to do is to blackmail you. He is trying to get money from you in return for not revealing your secret. [2 definitions]
brownie a small fairy or elf who is believed to do good things around the house in secret at night. [1/3 definitions]
conceal If you conceal the truth, you don't tell it to anyone. If you conceal information, you don't let anyone know about it. When you conceal something, you keep it secret. [1/2 definitions]
confide When you confide a secret or other private thing to another person, you tell them that thing and you trust them not to say anything about it to other people. [1/2 definitions]
confidence a secret. [2/3 definitions]
confidential secret.
conspiracy a secret agreement among two or more people to do something wrong or illegal; plot.
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
cunning If a person or animal is cunning, they have skill in tricking others or doing smart, secret things to get what they want. [2/3 definitions]
debug to remove secret microphones from. [1/2 definitions]
elope to run away and marry in secret.
exposure a showing or revealing of something, often a thing that is secret, private, or against the law. [1/6 definitions]
hide1 to keep as a secret. [1/3 definitions]
infiltrate to enter into in secret.
intrigue a secret plot or scheme. [1/2 definitions]
keep under wraps to keep secret or hidden.
kidnap When people kidnap someone, they take that person to a secret place and keep them like a prisoner in order to get money from someone else. They promise they will let this person go free if they are given the money they ask for.
leak the release of secret or private information without permission. [1/5 definitions]
leprechaun an elf in Irish folklore who knows about secret treasure. He must tell the location of the treasure to whomever can catch him.
let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret.