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Children's Dictionary
behind one's back when one is not present; secretly.
bug (informal) a tiny microphone hidden for the purpose of listening to and recording voices secretly. [1/6 definitions]
conspire to plan secretly to do something wrong or illegal with another person or people.
in private with no one else near; privately or secretly.
on the sly secretly; in a crafty way.
peek to look quickly or secretly. [1/2 definitions]
peep1 to look quickly or secretly through a narrow opening or from a hiding place. [1/3 definitions]
prowl to move around slowly and secretly, like an animal looking for prey. [2/3 definitions]
sabotage to secretly damage enemy property or secretly interfere with its activities. [1/2 definitions]
spirit away to remove secretly or mysteriously.
steal to move secretly or without being noticed (usually followed by "in," "out," or "away"). [1/6 definitions]
tail (informal) to follow secretly in order to observe. [1/7 definitions]
tap2 to connect wires to, for the purpose of listening secretly. [1/4 definitions]
up one's sleeve held secretly or in reserve.