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Alaska Alaska is one of the fifty states that make up the United States of America. Alaska is very far north, and it is separate from the main part of the United States. Alaska shares a border with Canada. A short way to write Alaska is AK.
analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
annex a building added to an existing building. An annex may be attached to or separate from the main building. [1/3 definitions]
apart If two things are not together anymore, we can say they are apart. They are separate. If your friend lived near you, but then she moved away, it means that the two of you are apart now. Also, when two things don't happen at the same time, but instead there is time between them, we say the two things happen apart. [1/2 definitions]
apartheid a policy of keeping people of different races separate and unequal in a society.
Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has lost a great deal of its water in recent times and it has divided into separate parts. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry and is called a desert now.
aside When you put something aside, you put it away or move it toward a separate place. If you stand aside, you stand at some distance away from other people or things. [1/3 definitions]
blend to mix enough so that there no longer seem to be separate parts or ingredients. [1/4 definitions]
bobsled a long racing sled with two separate sets of runners, a steering wheel, and brakes. [1/2 definitions]
body a separate mass of land, water, or other matter. [1/5 definitions]
branch to separate into two or more paths, roads, or directions. [1/4 definitions]
break down to separate into smaller steps or sections. [1/7 definitions]
broken cracked or smashed into separate pieces, or no longer working. [1/5 definitions]
chart A chart is something that you can look at and get a lot of information from. A chart often has pictures to explain the information. Sometimes a chart has lines up and down and across. The lines separate the information and help you understand it better and more quickly.
Christianity the Christian religion, including its many separate branches. [1/2 definitions]
colon1 This mark, used to separate the hour and minute in writing times of day, as in "2:43 in the afternoon." [1/2 definitions]
comb A comb is a thin piece of plastic or other material that you use to make your hair neat. A comb has things called teeth along one side that go through your hair and separate it. [1/3 definitions]
comma a punctuation mark (,). It is used to separate words, phrases, or other parts of a sentence or list, or to show a pause in speech. It is also used when writing numbers of one thousand or greater to mark off groups of three digits.
compartment A compartment is a separate section or part of a container or larger thing that has been constructed to hold things. [2 definitions]
compound1 In chemistry, a compound is a substance formed by combining two or more chemical elements in certain amounts. When the elements are combined, they make a new thing that is different from the parts that make it up. For example, some elements that are completely safe when they are separate could make up a compound that can explode. Or, two elements that are dangerous by themselves could become very safe in a compound. [1/5 definitions]
crack to break or snap but not into separate pieces. [2/9 definitions]