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accessory In law, an accessory is a person who helps another person so that they can break the law or so that they can avoid getting caught. An accessory helps in some way but doesn't actually take part in the crime of the other person. An accessory gives help before or after the crime is committed. Although it is not as serious, being an accessory is also a crime. [1/2 definitions]
acute very serious; very important; critical. [1/4 definitions]
afford When you can afford to do something, it means that you can do it and there will be no harm or other serious result from doing it. [1/3 definitions]
affordable able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences.
agreement Some agreements are a serious and special promise. If someone accepts this type of agreement, it means that they will be breaking a rule or a law if they do not do what they promise. Usually this kind of agreement is written on paper, and a person signs their name on the paper to accept it. [1/4 definitions]
AIDS a serious disease caused by a virus that stops the body from being able to protect itself from other diseases. "AIDS" stands for "acquired immune deficiency syndrome."
appeal When you appeal to someone for something, you ask them for it in a serious way or you beg them for it. You might use the word "please" many times. [1/6 definitions]
argue If you argue with someone, you fight with them using just words. It might be a silly fight or a serious fight. [1/2 definitions]
austere being or looking very stern and serious. [1/2 definitions]
austerity the condition or quality of being very stern and serious.
bad terrible or serious. [1/10 definitions]
Band-Aid (lower case) a solution for a serious problem that is used for a short amount of time. [1/3 definitions]
battle A battle is a serious fight between two people or two groups of people. A war is made up of battles. [1/3 definitions]
cancer Cancer is a serious disease. Cancer makes some cells of the body grow much faster than they should. When this happens, they can kill other cells. This is a very bad thing. Different parts of the body can get cancer. Some people get cancer in the throat, for example, or in the lungs, or in the bones. Cancer can also spread to other parts of the body. Some types of cancer can be cured more easily than others. Unfortunately, there are many deaths from cancer.
care serious attention. [1/8 definitions]
carefree having nothing to worry about; free of cares or serious thoughts; cheerful.
celebration Celebration is the act of honoring something and making it special. It is doing things to remember how great or important it was or to show how glad you are that it happened or that it will happen. Celebration is often fun and filled with things that we enjoy, but some forms of celebration are serious. [2 definitions]
charge If the police charge someone with a crime, it means that the police say that this person committed this crime. When someone is charged with a crime, it is a serious and official thing. The police must show some kind of proof in order to charge someone with a crime. [1/9 definitions]
chat When you chat with someone, you talk in a friendly way. Usually, you talk about things that are fun to talk about and not very serious. [2/4 definitions]
compose When you compose something, you create it using words or music. Composing something takes serious thinking and imagination. [1/2 definitions]
composition A composition is a serious piece of writing or music that has taken a lot of thought and imagination to make. A composition has parts that are put together in an organized way. [1/3 definitions]