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abstract existing without physical shape or substance. [1/3 definitions]
aerodynamic having a smooth, even shape that offers the least possible resistance to air currents or movement.
amoeba a tiny living thing made of only one cell. Amoebas move by changing their shape. They eat by wrapping their bodies around their food. Amoebas live in fresh and salt water, soil, and in animals. Most kinds of amoebas can only be seen through a microscope.
angle1 When two straight lines begin at the same point, they make the shape of an angle. [1/4 definitions]
arch1 When you arch something, you form a curve in it that looks a little like an arch. When you arch your back, your back goes up in a curving shape. [1/2 definitions]
baboon A baboon is a large monkey that has a long nose similar in shape to a dog's. Baboons live on the ground in large groups in Africa and parts of the Middle East. Baboons are strong and intelligent animals.
bagel A bagel is something that people often eat for breakfast, lunch, or as a snack. A bagel is a thick roll in the shape of a ring. It is not usually sweet, and it is chewy when you eat it. Bagels are sometimes covered with seeds, bits of onions, or salt.
ball1 A ball is something we often throw, hit, or kick in sports or games. A ball is usually completely round, but some balls have a shape similar to an egg. [1/2 definitions]
ball bearing a machine part made of a groove in the shape of a circle with metal balls that roll in it. A ball bearing lets an axle or other part move easily.
band2 a thin strip of hard material, often metal, in the shape of a ring. [1/4 definitions]
banjo A banjo is a musical instrument with strings. You hold a banjo like a guitar, but it has a different sound, shape, and way of playing. A banjo has a flat, round body and uses four or five strings. The banjo is often played in American folk music along with guitars and fiddles.
bar1 a solid mass of a substance often in the shape of an oblong block. [1/10 definitions]
beaten hammered into a new shape, often flat. [1/3 definitions]
bell A bell is a thing made of metal that makes a ringing sound when something hits it. It often has the shape of a cup or a bowl. Usually, there is something attached to it inside that can move and can hit the bell to make the sound.
bend When something bends, it is not straight anymore. It becomes curved or it takes the shape of an angle. When it's very windy, the trees bend. [1/5 definitions]
bent1 not having the proper shape of a thing, as by not being perfectly straight, flat, or circular. [1/4 definitions]
Big Dipper the seven brightest stars of the constellation Ursa Major. These stars form a shape that looks like a ladle, or dipper.
blimp an aircraft in the shape of a giant oval balloon. A blimp holds its shape because it is filled with a gas that is lighter than air; dirigible.
blob a soft mass that does not have a fixed or solid shape.
block a solid piece of hard material, such as wood or concrete, with flat sides. [1/9 definitions]
bold If you are wearing bold colors, people can notice you easily. When something is bold, it is different from the usual things in shape or color and gets people's attention. [1/3 definitions]