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book A book is something to read, look at, or draw on. It's made up of sheets of paper between two covers. Each sheet is called a page, and the pages usually have writing or pictures on them. Some books have empty pages so you can write or draw on them. [1/2 definitions]
chart a sheet that gives information in the form of a graph or table. [1/4 definitions]
dent1 If you hit a sheet of metal with a baseball bat, you will probably make a dent in the metal. A dent is area of a hard surface that is pushed in because it was hit by something. [1/2 definitions]
flier a printed sheet with information about people or events that is handed out to the public. [1/2 definitions]
floe a large sheet of floating ice.
foam "Foam" is a short way of saying "foam rubber." Foam rubber is a soft, thick material made in a factory. It feels similar to a sponge and usually has a yellow or white color. Foam is often used in pillows and cushions. Some mattresses are made with foam, and sometimes a thick sheet of foam is used over a mattress on a bed to make it softer. [1/4 definitions]
foam rubber Foam rubber is a soft, thick material made in a factory. It feels similar to a sponge and often has a yellow or white color. Foam is often used in pillows and cushions. Some mattresses are made with foam rubber, and sometimes a thick sheet of foam is used over a mattress on a bed to make it softer.
foil2 a very thin, flexible sheet of a metal, such as aluminum.
folder A folder is a folded sheet of paper that gives information on each section. [1/3 definitions]
ice cap a large, thick sheet of ice that spreads out over the land in all directions from the center.
leaf a sheet of paper, usually bound in a book. [1/5 definitions]
omelet a food made from beaten eggs that are cooked into a single sheet and often folded over a filling of vegetables, meat, or cheese.
page1 one side of a sheet of printed or written paper. [1/2 definitions]
pane a sheet of glass in a window or door.
paper a single piece or sheet of this material. [1/5 definitions]
paper towel a small sheet of absorbent paper that is used mostly in the kitchen as a towel for such things as wiping surfaces or cleaning up spills. Paper towels are usually attached to other paper towels as part of a roll.
plate a thin sheet of a hard material, either natural or man-made. [1/7 definitions]
rest1 In music, a rest is a clear period of silence between musical notes. During a rest, the musician does not play. A rest is also the mark on a sheet of music that shows that there should be this silence. A rest can be very, very short, but sometimes it can be quite long and the musician doesn't play for a long while. [1/11 definitions]
sheet1 A sheet is a large, thin piece of cloth used to cover a bed and to cover you when you are sleeping. When you make a bed, you put the sheets on the bed first and then the blankets or quilts. [4 definitions]
stencil a sheet of some material out of which letters or a pattern has been cut. Paint or ink can pass through stencils to form a design on the surface underneath. [1/3 definitions]
tablet A tablet is something to write on. It has many sheets of paper that are all attached to each other just at the top. Each sheet is easy to pull away from the others. [1/3 definitions]