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arrow a thin pointed rod that is shot from a bow. [1/2 definitions]
basket the open metal hoop and net through which the ball is shot to score points in basketball, or such an act of scoring. [1/3 definitions]
booster shot an injection of a vaccine given at some time after the first injection. A booster shot continues the protection against disease begun by the earlier injection.
bullet a small rounded or pointed metal object shot from a gun or rifle.
bull's-eye something that strikes the center of a target, such as a shot, or the act of striking the center of a target. [1/2 definitions]
dart a short arrow thrown with the hand or shot from a gun. [1/4 definitions]
footage a portion of film, such as a scene from a movie or part of all the film that was shot at a particular event.
grenade a small bomb that is thrown by hand or shot from a rifle after its fuse is set.
herself If the doctor herself gives you a shot, it means that it is the doctor and not any other person that gives it to you. [1/4 definitions]
himself If the doctor himself gives you a shot, it means that it is the doctor and no other person that gives it to you. [1/4 definitions]
lead2 a heavy, soft gray metal that is one of the chemical elements. Because it is very heavy and dense, lead is useful for making things such as weights, shot, and shields that protect against radiation. (symbol: Pb) [1/2 definitions]
missile an object or weapon that is thrown or shot at a target that is far away. [2 definitions]
muzzle the open end of the barrel of a gun. A bullet is shot out of a gun through the muzzle. Old rifles were loaded through the muzzle. [1/6 definitions]
painless If something is painless, it doesn't cause pain. If a shot at the doctor's office is painless, it doesn't make your arm hurt.
pellet a small bullet or small piece of shot. [1/2 definitions]
pow a word used to suggest the loud sound of a shot, blow, or explosion. [2 definitions]
projectile any object that is thrown, fired, or shot by an outside force or weapon.
rifle1 a gun that has a long barrel and that is shot from the shoulder.
round a single shot from a gun or larger weapon, or the ammunition for such a shot. [1/14 definitions]
shot1 The action of shooting with something like an arrow or gun is called a shot. The noise that a gun makes when someone shoots it is also called a shot. [7 definitions]
shot2 "Shot" is the past tense and past participle of "shoot." [2 definitions]