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adjective An adjective is a word that describes a person, place, animal, or thing. In the sentence "It was a hard test," the word "hard" is an adjective. This word describes the test. Some more adjectives to describe a test might be "easy," "simple," "long," and "important."
austere having only what is needed; very simple or plain. [1/2 definitions]
bar1 A bar is a place where adults sometimes have drinks such as beer or wine. In a bar, there is a long counter where people can sit and get drinks. A bar also serves snacks and sometimes other simple foods. Other types of places with a counter sometimes use the word bar in their name. You can get snacks at a snack bar or ice cream at a dairy bar, for example. [1/6 definitions]
bare plain; simple. [1/5 definitions]
basic When something is basic, it is simple and only has things that are really necessary. [1/3 definitions]
birdhouse something constructed by humans as a place for a bird to build its nest. A birdhouse often looks like a small, simple house.
bow tie a short necktie tied in a simple, flat bow.
breeze (informal) a simple or quickly finished task. [1/3 definitions]
Buddhist A Buddhist is a person who believes in the ideas of Buddhism. Buddhism is a way of thinking about the world and how to live a peaceful life. 2,500 years ago, a man named Siddhartha was a prince in India. It is said that he left his easy life and went out into the world to try to understand why people have sadness and pain in their lives. He wanted to know what people can do about these things. After studying and thinking a lot, he "woke up" to the idea that pain and suffering are part of life but that people can still be happy by leading very simple lives and being good to others. Siddhartha began to teach other people these things, and, after some time, he came to be known as Buddha, one who has "woken up" to a great truth.
bugle1 A bugle is a simple instrument that you blow through to make sounds. A bugle is made of a metal called brass. A bugle is similar to a trumpet, but you only use your mouth and not your fingers to make sounds with it. A bugle is sometimes used to wake up soldiers in the morning.
cabin a small house, usually built in a simple or rough way. [1/2 definitions]
café an informal, often small, restaurant that usually specializes in coffees, simple meals, and desserts.
childlike of or like a child; innocent; simple.
complex When something is complex, it is not simple. A complex thing has many parts, and they may be connected in various ways. A complex thing might operate according to many rules, but there may be many exceptions to the rules too. [1/2 definitions]
complicated not simple; having many parts that are connected in various ways. [1/2 definitions]
crude If something is crude, it is not complex or fancy. It is simple and basic. [1/4 definitions]
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose. [1/2 definitions]
elaborate If something is elaborate, it includes a lot of things. It is not simple, and it has a lot of detail. [1/2 definitions]
element Everything in our world and in space is made up of different elements. Things like oxygen, lead, iron, and gold are some of the elements. "Elements" is really a short way of saying "chemical elements." Chemical elements are the very simple building blocks of all other things. Elements can take the form of liquids, solids, or gases. [1/4 definitions]
even Sometimes we use even when something is surprising or the opposite of what someone might expect. If you say "Even my little brother can play this game," we understand that it is a surprising thing that he can play it. Maybe it's not surprising that other people can play it, but the fact that your little brother can also play it means that the game must be very simple. [1/11 definitions]
fancy When something is fancy, it has things that make it special and not ordinary. A fancy thing is not simple and plain. A fancy cake might have icing of different colors or patterns, or it might have many flowers or some other decorations on it. Fancy things often cost more than things that are simple. [1/7 definitions]