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Children's Dictionary
angle1 the figure made by two lines coming from a single point. [1/4 definitions]
Aral Sea formerly, a very large, single lake in Central Asia. Once one of the world's largest lakes, the Aral Sea has lost a great deal of its water in recent times and it has divided into separate parts. The southeastern part of the Aral Sea has become entirely dry and is called a desert now.
article a single thing; one item out of a group of similar objects. [1/4 definitions]
block a group of people or things considered as a single unit. [1/9 definitions]
broadcast a single television or radio program. [1/4 definitions]
brood to think or worry a lot about a single subject (usually followed by "on" or "over"). [1/4 definitions]
buggy1 a small carriage with four wheels that is pulled by a single horse.
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [1/2 definitions]
bunk1 a small, single bed attached to a wall. [1/2 definitions]
cameo a minor role usually played by a well-known actor or other famous person, often occupying a single scene of a film. [1/2 definitions]
caravan a group of vehicles or riding animals traveling together in a single line. [1/3 definitions]
chandelier a single light fixture that hangs from the ceiling and holds several lights. A chandelier is often used for decoration as well as for lighting a room. Some chandeliers are very large and found only in very formal rooms. Originally, chandeliers held real candles.
chant words spoken in rhythm over and over on a single pitch. [1/4 definitions]
chocolate a single small piece of chocolate candy, usually rectangular, round, or oval in shape and often containing a sweet filling or nuts. [1/6 definitions]
clip1 the act of clipping, or a single such cut. [1/5 definitions]
cobweb a web spun by a spider, or a single piece of this web. [1/2 definitions]
conga a dance from Cuba performed by people following a leader around the dance area in single file. [1/2 definitions]
daub something daubed on; a single stroke of this. [1/2 definitions]
dioxide a compound containing two atoms of oxygen bound to a single atom of another element.
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single doctor or a group of doctors, where patients can come to talk with their doctor or receive treatment when they have an appointment.
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government. [1/2 definitions]