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air all that is above the ground; sky. [1/6 definitions]
atrium a courtyard inside a building, either open to the sky or with a glass ceiling. [1/2 definitions]
azure the color of a clear blue sky. [1/2 definitions]
became "Became" is the past tense of "become." If we say that the sky became cloudy, we mean that the day turned cloudy sometime before now.
bend If you are standing and you bend forward, you move your upper body so that you are looking down toward your feet. If you bend back, you move your upper body so that you can see the ceiling, the sky, or something behind you. [1/5 definitions]
black the color of the night sky; the darkest color. [1/7 definitions]
blue the color of a clear sky; the color between green and violet on the color spectrum. [1/3 definitions]
bolt1 Each time you see lightning in the sky, it is called a bolt. [1/5 definitions]
Canis Major a constellation in the northern sky that contains Sirius, the brightest of all stars. Canis Major means "Big Dog" in Latin.
Canis Minor a constellation in the northern sky. Canis Minor means "Little Dog" in Latin.
canopy something high in the air or sky that is spread out over the earth. The top layer of branches and leaves in a rainforest, for example, is called a canopy. [1/2 definitions]
celestial of or having to do with the sky or outer space. [1/2 definitions]
chance When we talk about chance, we are talking about how possible something is. If there are no clouds in the sky, there is little chance that it will rain soon. [1/5 definitions]
cheerful When someone is cheerful, they are happy and other people can see that they are. When people are cheerful, they often smile, act very friendly, whistle, or sing a little to themselves. A sunny day with a bright blue sky makes many people cheerful. [1/2 definitions]
clear When the sky is clear, there are no clouds. [2/7 definitions]
climb When you climb, you go up in the sky, or you go up towards the top of something. [1/2 definitions]
cloud A cloud is something you often see in the sky. Clouds are white or gray and they often change their shape. Clouds are made up of tiny drops of water or ice. When there are dark clouds in the sky above you, it will probably rain. [2/3 definitions]
cloudy When we can see many gray clouds in the sky, we say that the sky is cloudy. If the sky is cloudy for most of the day, we say that it is a cloudy day. Usually, when we say the sky is cloudy, we also mean that the color of the sky is gray. [1/2 definitions]
compound sentence a sentence made of two or more independent clauses. The sentences are joined by a conjunction or semicolon. "The sky darkened, and the wind howled" is a compound sentence.
constellation a group of stars in the sky that is thought to look like, and is named after, an animal, object, or person.
croissant A croissant is a kind of roll that many people eat for breakfast or lunch. It is very light and has a lot of butter in it. It is shaped like the moon when we only see a small part of the moon in the sky.