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decline to slope or slant downward. [1/4 definitions]
diagonal If lines are diagonal inside a square, they don't go straight up and down or straight from side to side. Diagonal lines slant in one direction or another.
flat1 having a surface that does not slant up or down. If a roof is flat, it is not higher at one end than the other; level. [1/12 definitions]
glance to hit something at a slant and move off at an angle. [1/3 definitions]
inclination a slope; slant. [1/3 definitions]
incline to slope or slant. [1/3 definitions]
italic Italic is a style for producing typed alphabet letters, numbers, and symbols. In Italic, the letters slant to the right. Italic looks like this. When we talk about a piece of text being in this style, we often use the plural form, "italics." We say that the text is "in italics." Names of books and movies are often put in italics, like "The Hobbit" and "Spider-Man."
lean1 to bend or slant. [1/4 definitions]
shaft a deep passage that goes straight down or at a slant. [1/6 definitions]
slant When something slants, it leans or is at an angle. If the roof of a building is not flat, it slants. If a road goes up a small hill, then the road must slant.
slope to slant up or down. [1/4 definitions]
steep1 having a sharp slope or slant. [1/2 definitions]
tilt to lean to one side; slant. [1/4 definitions]
tip2 to move to a leaning or slanted position; tilt. [1/6 definitions]