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Children's Dictionary
aphid a small insect that eats by sucking the juices of plants. Aphids have soft bodies and move slowly.
bayou a stream that moves slowly through a swamp or marsh. Bayous are found in the southern United States.
corrode to cause to wear away slowly.
corrosion the act or condition of being worn or eaten away slowly. [1/2 definitions]
crawl to move along, usually slowly, with one's body very close to the ground or other surface; creep. [2/6 definitions]
creep to move slowly. [1/7 definitions]
decay a process of slowly losing quality, strength, or health. [1/4 definitions]
drag to go or pass slowly. [1/6 definitions]
drain something that slowly uses up energy, money, or some other resource. [1/9 definitions]
drawl to speak slowly with vowel sounds drawn out. [1/2 definitions]
dribble to drip or flow slowly in drops. [1/3 definitions]
ease to move carefully and slowly. [1/4 definitions]
everglade a very large swamp in a warm climate. Rivers or streams flow slowly through an everglade, and tall, thick grass grows throughout.
gather to slowly collect or build up. [1/5 definitions]
glacier a large mass of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and very slowly moving down a slope or across land.
lapse a decline or fall that happens a little at a time or slowly. [1/5 definitions]
mope to move slowly and without spirit or purpose. [1/2 definitions]
nose to move forward slowly or carefully. [1/6 definitions]
ooze1 to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
plate a tectonic plate, one of the parts of the outer layer of planet Earth. Tectonic plates cover the whole planet and make up both the land that humans and animals live on and the land under the oceans. Tectonic plates move very, very slowly and they touch each other as they move. Sometimes this contact between the tectonic plates causes things like volcanoes, earthquakes, and the building up of mountains. [1/7 definitions]
plod to work slowly and steadily on a boring task. [1/2 definitions]