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any If it is not any colder today than it was yesterday, then it is not at all colder today than yesterday. It is not even a little colder. If your cousins are not any smarter than you, then you are exactly as smart as your cousins or maybe even smarter. [1/5 definitions]
as1 We often use "as" when we are comparing something about people or things. Let's say you are very smart, and your sister is as smart. This means there is no difference between how smart the two of you are. Let's say you are hungry, but your sister is not as hungry. This means that there is a difference in how hungry you two are. You are hungrier than your sister. [1/6 definitions]
bite to cause to sting or smart. [1/10 definitions]
brain (usually plural) When you say that someone has a lot of brains, it means they are very smart. [1/2 definitions]
bright quick to learn; smart. [1/5 definitions]
brilliant having a very smart, sharp, and quick mind. [1/3 definitions]
chimpanzee A chimpanzee is an animal that lives in some forests of Africa. It looks like a monkey in some ways, but it is not a monkey, and it does not have a tail. Chimpanzees are part of a family of animals called apes. Gorillas are apes too, but they are much bigger. Chimpanzees are very smart and sometimes use tools to get food.
clever When something you do or make is clever, it means that you did something that shows you are smart, or you did something that no one else has done before. [1/2 definitions]
compliment When someone gives you a compliment, they say something nice about you. They might say something like "I think you're very smart," or "You have pretty hair" or "You did a really great job!" [1/2 definitions]
dull not smart; slow to learn. [1/7 definitions]
dumb not smart; stupid. [1/3 definitions]
hyena A hyena is a furry animal with a long neck. Hyenas look a little like wild dogs, but they are not friendly like dogs, and their front legs are longer than their back legs. Some hyenas have spots on their fur. Hyenas are smart and very good at hunting. Hyenas hunt other animals at night for food, and they also eat animals that have already been killed. Hyenas live in Africa and in some parts of Asia.
intellectual being very smart. [1/3 definitions]
neat When you have a neat idea, it means that you have a smart idea that maybe other people didn't think of. [1/3 definitions]
quote A quote is something that someone else has said or written, and it is made up of the exact words that this person wrote or said. Some quotes are repeated often and become very well-known. People like quotes because they are often very smart or funny. People also use quotes because they want to tell what someone said using that person's exact words. "Quote" is another word for "quotation." [1/2 definitions]
respect When you have respect for someone, you think they are good, powerful, brave, or wise. You might think they are a better or stronger person than you are in some way. Maybe they know a lot more about something than you do. Maybe they are older and know a lot about life, or maybe they are just a good person, or they have done something brave, difficult, or smart. In some way, you feel they are above you, or at least equal. [1/7 definitions]
sharp When someone is a sharp student, it means they are smart or clever. [1/10 definitions]
slow not smart; not quick to learn or understand. [1/8 definitions]
sly If someone is sly, they are smart, but you can't trust them. They usually find some dishonest or sneaky way of doing things they want to do.
smart When you are smart, you have a good mind. You can learn well and figure out things easily. [4/5 definitions]
software When people talk about software, they mean instructions written for a computer that tell the computer what to do. Different sets of instructions are called "programs," or "applications." Without software, a computer is just a box with wires and plastic things. It can't do anything for you. Smart phones and tablets use software too.