action |
An action is something people do, usually to solve a problem or make things better. [1/5 definitions] |
algebra |
a form of mathematics used to solve problems in which some of the numbers are not known. In an algebra problem, letters stand for the unknown numbers. |
authority |
When people talk about "the authorities," they mean agencies who have certain powers and responsibilities by law, especially agencies like the police and other government departments. "The authorities" are people who are in charge and who are expected to solve problems that may affect many people. [1/4 definitions] |
brainstorm |
When people brainstorm, they try to find ways of solving a problem by thinking up a lot of ideas and talking about them with a group. Sometimes people brainstorm just to come up with many ideas about something even if there is no problem to solve. [1/2 definitions] |
breakthrough |
A breakthrough is an important discovery. It's a discovery that solves a problem that has been preventing progress in trying to achieve something. Let's say, for example, that scientists have been looking for a cure for a disease for a long time but there is a problem that they can't solve. This problem prevents them from making progress in finding a cure. Then, one group of scientists has a breakthrough that solves this problem. Suddenly, it is much more possible that a cure will be found. |
clue |
a hint that helps solve a puzzle, problem, or mystery. |
committee |
A committee is a special group of people who meet together to talk about particular things and make decisions about them. The purpose of a committee is to try to solve problems or to organize events. People on a committee are chosen by others to be on the committee, or they volunteer to be part of it. |
complicated |
When something is complicated, it is hard to understand or difficult to solve because it makes you have to think about many different things at the same time. [1/2 definitions] |
deal1 |
When you deal with something, you give your attention to it and do what needs to be done about it. Sometimes dealing with something means that you fix it or solve a problem with it. If you can't fix something or solve the problem, you at least give it your attention and do what you can. [2/7 definitions] |
decide |
to settle, choose, or solve. [1/3 definitions] |
detective |
a person, often a police officer, whose job is to find information that will solve crimes. |
do1 |
to attempt or carry out in order to solve a problem or achieve a particular goal. [1/12 definitions] |
examine |
When a teacher examines students, it means that the teacher tests the students by asking questions or asking them to solve problems. [1/3 definitions] |
frustrated |
feeling upset or angry because of being unable to do what one needs to do or being unable to solve a problem that one wants to solve. |
handle |
When you handle something, you do what needs to be done with it. You manage or control it. If you handle a problem, you do what you have to do to solve the problem. [1/4 definitions] |
idea |
An idea is something that you have thought of that might solve a problem or that might be a good or fun thing to do. [1/4 definitions] |
innovation |
An innovation is a new way of doing something or a new thing that has been created to solve a problem or make something better. |
jigsaw puzzle |
A jigsaw puzzle is a puzzle that is made of stiff cardboard or wood that has a picture on the surface and has been cut into pieces of different shapes. To solve the puzzle, the cut pieces must be put together to form the picture again. Some jigsaw puzzles have only a few pieces, and some can have a thousand or more. |
key1 |
A key to something is a thing that helps you solve a problem or get what you want. [1/5 definitions] |
measure |
A measure is something that is done in order to solve a problem. When you take measures to catch a mouse, it means that you do something to catch the mouse. [1/6 definitions] |
overcome |
When you overcome something, you solve it or win against it. When you overcome a problem, you solve or get over the problem. [1/3 definitions] |