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activity a thing that people spend time doing. [1/2 definitions]
allowance An allowance is a little money that some parents give to their children usually once a week. The children can spend the money for something they want.
broke having no money to spend or to live on. [1/2 definitions]
browse When people browse, they look at lots of different things or pictures just for fun or relaxation, or just to spend some time while they're waiting.
budget A budget is a plan for how a person or a group will receive and spend money during a certain period. [2 definitions]
cheap not willing to spend much money; stingy. [1/4 definitions]
cicada Cicadas are large insects with wings that spend many years living in the ground when they are very young and then come out of the ground in large groups and become adults. Male cicadas make a kind of humming sound that gets very loud and then fades away. The sound is a little like the rattle of a snake.
cruise A cruise is a pleasure trip on a ship. When people take a cruise, they usually sleep in rooms on the ship and spend several days or more traveling around just for fun. On a big cruise ship, there are a lot of things for people to do, like play games, swim in the swimming pool, dance, watch movies, or eat in one of the dining rooms. Sometimes the ship stops in places where people can get off and go exploring or do shopping. [1/4 definitions]
dream to pass or spend by daydreaming (often followed by "away"). [1/6 definitions]
economize to spend less money; lower expenses; be economical.
economy the system of how money is made and used within a particular country or region. A region's economy is connected with things like how many goods and services are produced and how much money people can spend on these things. [1/2 definitions]
frugal If someone is frugal, they are very careful about how they spend their money. They don't want to waste it.
hang out (informal) to spend time in a relaxed way.
honeymoon to spend the time of a honeymoon (usually followed by "in" or "on"). [1/2 definitions]
invest to spend. [1/2 definitions]
larva an insect after it hatches from an egg and before it changes into its adult form. Larvae do not have wings and look like worms. Most kinds of insects spend part of their lives as larvae. Caterpillars are a type of larva. [1/2 definitions]
lavish to give or spend a large amount or without limit. [1/3 definitions]
little If your brother studies little on the weekends, it means that he doesn't spend much time studying on the weekends. If you dance very little, it means that you don't dance much at all. [1/7 definitions]
live1 When you live somewhere, you spend time there and sleep there every night. You also keep all your things there. [1/3 definitions]
live high on (or off) the hog to live in a way that shows that you spend a lot of money.
loaf2 to spend time in a lazy way.