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gargle Gargling is something you might do when you have a cold or flu and your throat feels bad. When you gargle, you take some liquid into your mouth. Then you hold your head back and breathe out through the liquid at the back of your mouth. The liquid bubbles and makes a funny noise. After a few seconds, you spit out the liquid and then maybe you do it again. Gargling is a funny thing to do, but it often makes your throat feel better.
resistance If there is resistance to something, people are against it and they are fighting to prevent it or end it. If there is resistance to a new plan, for example, people are against the plan and they are trying to stop it. If a baby shows resistance to eating spinach, the baby will do things to avoid eating it or maybe spit it out. [1/2 definitions]
spat2 a past tense and past participle of "spit1."
spit1 When you spit, you force out liquid that you have in your mouth. [3 definitions]
sputter to spit out saliva or bits of food while speaking in a fast or excited way. [1/4 definitions]