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broccoli a plant whose green flower buds and stalk are used for food. Broccoli is related to the cabbage plant.
larkspur a plant with bright blue, pink, or white flowers on a tall stalk. The flowers have a long projection called a spur.
mushroom a fungus with a stalk and a cap that looks like a small umbrella. Some kinds of mushrooms can be eaten; other kinds are poisonous. Mushrooms live in damp places and are the fruiting bodies of certain kinds of fungi. [1/3 definitions]
primrose a plant that grows tube-shaped flowers in many colors. Primroses have large leaves at the base of the flower stalk.
straw a single such stalk of grain. [1/3 definitions]
sugar cane a tall grass of tropical areas that has a thick stalk. Sugar cane is the main source of sugar.