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accusation a statement that another person is guilty of a crime or error.
amen a word used at the end of a prayer or statement to mean "may it be so."
announcement a public or formal statement. [1/2 definitions]
apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
apparently "Apparently" is something we say when we are about to make a statement that we don't know for sure is true but it is something that strongly appears to be true.
assurance a statement meant to give confidence. [1/2 definitions]
certificate a statement on paper that shows or proves that certain facts are true.
claim a statement of something as true. [1/5 definitions]
comment a written or spoken statement of opinion. [1/2 definitions]
curse a statement of a wish that something bad will happen to someone or something. [2/6 definitions]
declarative sentence a sentence that makes a statement. There are many examples of declarative sentences, such as, "It is raining outside."
declare If the judges declare someone the winner, they announce to everyone their decision that this person is the winner. If the government declares something to be dangerous, they make a statement to everyone that that thing is dangerous. They state their decision about that thing. [1/3 definitions]
definition the statement of the meaning of a word or phrase.
denial a statement that something is false. [1/2 definitions]
do1 used to introduce a question or make a negative statement with "not." [1/12 definitions]
editorial an article in a newspaper, or a statement on television, that gives an opinion or point of view. [1/2 definitions]
equation a statement in arithmetic that uses an equal sign to show the equality of two quantities.
exposition a statement with many details that is used to explain something. [1/2 definitions]
foreword a statement at the beginning of a written text, such as a book; introduction or preface.
hello a word used as a greeting, statement of surprise, or call for attention. [1/2 definitions]
insult a rude statement or action that hurts someone's feelings. [1/2 definitions]