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blast A blast is a sudden and powerful stream of something like air or steam. [1/4 definitions]
boiler A boiler is a strong container in which water is boiled in order to create steam to be used as a source of power. [1/2 definitions]
exhaust the part of an engine through which gas or steam pass out. [1/4 definitions]
flue a hollow pipe inside a chimney that lets hot or cold air, smoke, or steam escape to the outside.
geyser a spring that shoots a stream of hot water, steam, or mud into the air from time to time.
kettle A metal pot used to boil water for hot drinks is called a kettle. Sometimes it is also called a tea kettle. This kind of kettle has a spout, or opening, to pour the water through. As the water begins to boil in a kettle, steam comes through the spout and usually makes a whistling sound. When you hear the whistle, you know the water is boiling and ready to pour.  [1/2 definitions]
puff a short, strong burst of breath, air, smoke, or steam. [1/8 definitions]
radiator a device that uses steam or hot water passing through pipes in order to heat a room. [1/2 definitions]
shovel A shovel is a large, heavy machine that has a scoop for digging. This machine is also called a "steam shovel." [1/6 definitions]
spurt a rush or squirt of liquid or steam; spout; jet. [1/5 definitions]
steam to give off or produce steam. [3/7 definitions]
steamboat a boat that runs on steam power.
steam engine an engine which uses steam to supply energy to its mechanical parts.
steamship a large ship powered by steam; steamer.
steam shovel A steam shovel is a large machine used for digging and moving dirt and rocks. It uses the power of steam. People don't use steam shovels very much anymore. They use a machine that uses a different type of power.
turbine A turbine is an engine driven by something that flows such as water, steam, or air. A turbine has blades that move around as the flowing water, steam, or air pushes against them. The blades are attached to a central part of the turbine called a "rotor." The movement of the blades makes the rotor spin. The spinning of the rotor is used to create electricity.
whistle to make such sounds by forcing steam through a narrow opening. [3/9 definitions]