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beef meat from a cow or steer. [1/2 definitions]
oar a long pole that is wide and flat at one end. Oars are used to row or steer a boat.
pilot to steer or operate. [1/3 definitions]
steer1 When you steer something, you make it go in the direction you want it to go.
steer2 A steer is an animal like a cow, but it is a male. Cows are kept for their milk, but steers are raised for their meat. Steers are male cattle, but they are not used for producing calves. Male cattle used for producing calves are called "bulls."
tiller2 a handle that is attached to a rudder and used to steer a boat.
toboggan a long, narrow, wooden sled that curves up in front. Toboggans have no blades underneath and are difficult to steer. [1/2 definitions]