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aardvark a large mammal with a long snout, long ears, a long tail, and with long fur mostly around its legs. Aardvarks are active at night, when they use their powerful claws to dig open ant or termite nests. They catch their food with their long, sticky tongue. Aardvarks live in southern and central Africa. Although they are sometimes called anteaters, aardvarks are not closely related to any other kind of mammal.
adhesive able or likely to stick to something; clinging. [1/2 definitions]
anteater a mammal that uses its long, sticky tongue to eat ants and termites. True anteaters have no teeth, are furry, and live in Central or South America. They are related to armadillos and sloths. Other kinds of mammals that eat ants are also sometimes called anteaters, but they are not related to American anteaters.
asphalt a sticky black substance like tar. Asphalt is found naturally or obtained when oil is refined. It is used for making roads and roofs and for making things waterproof. [1/2 definitions]
Band-Aid "Band-Aid" is a name for a small bandage that covers a wound but has parts that stick to the skin on each side of the wound. The sticky parts hold the bandage in place. The name "Band-Aid" belongs to the company that makes this product.
cement a sticky material, such as paste or glue, that gets hard when it dries. [1/3 definitions]
clog to become blocked with sticky matter. [1/3 definitions]
condition A condition is the way someone or something is. If your shoes are dirty, being dirty is the condition of the shoes. If a person is tired, then being tired is that person's condition. "Clean," "broken," "cold," "sticky," "wet," and "slippery" are some words that are used to describe the condition of things in the world. [1/6 definitions]
daub to smear or cover with something soft and sticky, such as paint. [1/2 definitions]
earwax Earwax is a substance that is produced in your ears. It is brownish yellow and somewhat sticky. Your ears produce earwax as a way to protect the inside of your ears from things like dust or bacteria. Earwax catches these tiny things before they can go further into your ear.
glue a thick, sticky liquid used to join things together. [1/2 definitions]
goo (informal) a thick, wet, or sticky substance.
gum1 a sticky substance that is given off by certain plants. [1/5 definitions]
mucilage a sticky substance used as glue.
mucus a slimy, slightly sticky material that coats and protects certain parts of the body, such as the inside of the nose and throat.
mud wet earth that has been turned soft and sticky.
okra a green vegetable that is shaped like a tube. Okra becomes sticky when cooked and is used in soups or fried. [1/2 definitions]
pitch2 a thick, black, sticky material made from coal or wood tar. Pitch is used for paving roads and covering roofs to protect them from water.
resin a sticky substance produced by fir trees and certain other plants. Resin is used to make plastics, medicines, paints, and other products. [1/2 definitions]
sandstone Sandstone is a kind of rock that is made up of grains of sand tightly held together with something that was sticky at one time such as mud. Sandy places such as beaches and deserts can eventually become sandstone over time.
seal1 When you seal a box, you close it with something to make it secure. When you seal an envelope, you close it with a seal or with some other sticky substance or material. [1/4 definitions]