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about If a book is about trains, it means that the book tells you many things on the subject of trains. It might tell you things like where the first trains were built, what fuel trains use, or how fast trains travel. [1/9 definitions]
action verb a verb that shows its subject performing some action. "Run," "eat," "fly," and "sing" are examples of action verbs.
am "Am" is a form of the verb "be." "Am" is used when the subject of the sentence is "I," and it is used when you are talking about present time.
anything any thing, happening, or subject whatever. [1/3 definitions]
article a piece of writing on a particular subject that appears in a newspaper, magazine, or book. [1/4 definitions]
be used to connect the subject of a sentence to a noun or adjective that describes it. [2/8 definitions]
bibliography a list of titles about a certain subject. [1/2 definitions]
brood to think or worry a lot about a single subject (usually followed by "on" or "over"). [1/4 definitions]
class a set of lessons for a group of students in a particular subject, or one lesson of such a set. [1/8 definitions]
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence. [1/2 definitions]
coach a person who trains or teaches a student in a special area, such as singing, acting, or a school subject. [1/6 definitions]
concerned If something is concerned with something else, it has to do with it. It is about that thing. If an article or film is concerned with a certain subject, it usually discusses it in a serious way. It looks at it carefully. [1/3 definitions]
consultant someone whose job it is to give advice to others on a particular subject; expert.
course a series of lessons in a subject. [1/7 definitions]
debate a discussion between two people or groups who disagree on an important subject. [2/4 definitions]
depend to be decided by or subject to (usually followed by "on"). [1/3 definitions]
differ If you differ with someone, your opinion on some subject is different from theirs. You disagree about it. [1/2 definitions]
encyclopedia a book or set of books that has information on a wide variety of subjects, or on many aspects of one subject.
essay a short piece of writing that gives the writer's ideas, feelings, and opinions on a particular subject.
exploration Exploration is the act of discovering things about a new subject. It is asking questions, getting answers, and trying to get a clear understanding. Exploration is a kind of investigating. [1/2 definitions]
final the last test that students take in a school subject, which usually covers everything that was taught. [1/4 definitions]