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cough drop A cough drop is medicine that tastes a little like hard candy. You suck on a cough drop when you have a cough or sore throat.
louse a very small insect without wings that lives on the bodies of people, birds, and other animals. Lice suck blood from animals, and some kinds can spread disease.
mosquito an insect with a thin body and two wings. The females bite and suck the blood of animals and people. Some mosquitoes spread disease.
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure. [1/2 definitions]
straw a thin, hollow tube of paper, plastic, or glass used to suck up a drink; drinking straw. [1/3 definitions]
suck When you suck a liquid, you pull it into your mouth by using your tongue and lips. [3/5 definitions]
tick2 a small animal that is related to the spider. Ticks attach themselves to people and other animals and suck their blood. Ticks are known to spread disease.
vampire a creature in folk tales that is said to have died but come back to life. Vampires suck blood from people in order to stay among the living. [1/2 definitions]