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cane sugar cane. [1/3 definitions]
Cuba Cuba is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. It is near Florida in the United States. People in Cuba speak Spanish. Cuba has a tropical climate and beautiful beaches. It also has land for growing things like sugar cane, rice, potatoes, bananas, and corn. It is home to many animals, including the smallest bird in the world, which is a type of hummingbird.
Honduras Honduras is a country in Central America. It lies along the shore of the Caribbean Sea. One part of the country also touches the Pacific Ocean. The neighbors of Honduras are Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Honduras has plains, mountains, and rainforest. Honduras grows a lot of coffee plants, fruits, and sugar cane.
Jamaica Jamaica is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people visit Jamaica to enjoy its beaches, its music, and its delicious food. Many people make a living in Jamaica by working with the tourists that come to visit. Some people make a living by growing coffee plants or sugar cane. When you have sugar on your cereal, just think that it might have come from the island of Jamaica!
Liberia Liberia is a country in Africa. It lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is between the countries of Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. Liberia has flat land near the coast, and it has hills covered with rainforest or grass. It also has low mountains. People in Liberia produce coffee, cocoa, sugar cane, rubber for tires, and wood for construction.
Mauritius Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean. Farmers there grow a lot of sugar cane. Many tourists come to Mauritius to enjoy its beaches and mountains. People began to live in Mauritius only about five hundred years ago. Since then, people from many different countries and continents have come to live there.
Nicaragua Nicaragua is a country in Central America. It is between the countries of Honduras and Costa Rica. Nicaragua has the Atlantic Ocean on one side of it and the Pacific Ocean on the other. There are two very large lakes in Nicaragua called Lake Managua and Lake Nicaragua. Many people in Nicaragua do farming, fishing, or mining. Nicaragua produces a lot of sugar cane, coffee, and cotton.
rum an alcoholic beverage made from molasses or sugar cane.
sugar a sweet substance in a crystal form that comes mainly from sugar cane and sugar beets. Sugar is used to flavor, preserve, and ferment food.
sugar cane a tall grass of tropical areas that has a thick stalk. Sugar cane is the main source of sugar.