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dismiss When you dismiss an idea or suggestion, you say no to it or ignore it because you do not think it is important or you don't think it's a good idea. [1/3 definitions]
hint a sign or suggestion that is not made in a direct way. [1/2 definitions]
judge a person who knows enough about something to give an opinion or suggestion. [1/6 definitions]
motion a formal suggestion made to a government group or other meeting. [1/5 definitions]
pointer a word of advice; suggestion. [1/4 definitions]
shall used to express an offer or suggestion (used only with the subjects "we" and "I"). [1/3 definitions]
suggestion If you make a suggestion, you offer an idea that you think might solve a problem or be useful for something or just fun. [2 definitions]
think of to use the mind to invent (an example, excuse, idea, suggestion, or the like); think up. [1/3 definitions]