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kind of "Kind of" means "somewhat" or "in some way." If you're kind of hungry, you are a bit hungry and you would like to eat something, but you are not super hungry. You could wait for a while. We often use "kind of" when we can't or don't really want to explain the degree of something or the exact way that something is.
modest If you are modest, you don't think your abilities are anything special. Your opinion of yourself and what you can do is not super high, even it it should be. For example, you might think you are only an average player on your team when actually you are one of the best and you have a lot of talent. [1/5 definitions]
plain If someone has a plain face, their face is not super attractive or interesting to look at. If someone is plain, other people don't think they are ugly, but people don't think they are handsome or beautiful either. [1/8 definitions]
rather "Rather" means "to some degree." When you feel rather sad, you feel a kind of medium level of sadness. You are more than a little sad but not super sad. [1/2 definitions]
super If you are super happy, you are really, really happy. If someone is super rich, they are very, very rich. [3 definitions]