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accent to mark with a symbol (' or `) to show what parts of a word are to be said with more stress. [1/5 definitions]
ace An ace is a playing card that shows only one symbol in the middle. For example, a card that has just one heart in the middle, is an ace. [1/2 definitions]
Ag symbol of the chemical element silver.
Al symbol of the chemical element aluminum.
aluminum a strong, light, silver metal that does not easily rust. Aluminum is a chemical element. (symbol: Al)
arsenic a poisonous substance that is one of the chemical elements. It can be either grayish white, yellow, or black. (symbol: As)
As symbol of the chemical element arsenic.
Au symbol of the chemical element gold.
B symbol of the chemical element boron.
Ba symbol of the chemical element barium.
baptize to perform the Christian ceremony of dipping in or sprinkling with water as a symbol of becoming a member of the church. [1/2 definitions]
barium a chemical element. Barium is usually found in compounds with other elements. (symbol: Ba)
baton A baton is a wooden or metal stick that is carried by a police officer or military officer. It can be used as a weapon or as a symbol of authority. [1/3 definitions]
Be symbol of the chemical element beryllium.
beryllium a hard, light, gray substance that is one of the chemical elements. Beryllium is sometimes combined with other elements to form an alloy. It is also used in building rockets. (symbol: Be)
Br symbol of the chemical element bromine.
bromine a poisonous, dark reddish brown liquid that is one of the chemical elements. It evaporates quickly and combines easily with other elements. (symbol: Br)
button A button is round symbol on a computer screen that you can press to make something happen. [1/6 definitions]
C2 symbol of the chemical element carbon.
Ca symbol of the chemical element calcium.
calcium a soft, silver-white substance that is one of the chemical elements. Calcium is found in many kinds of rocks. It is used by the body for building healthy bones and teeth. (symbol: Ca)