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bleed to feel grief, sympathy, or sorrow. [1/3 definitions]
brutal A person or thing that is brutal is extremely cruel. That person or thing causes a great deal of pain or suffering. A brutal person has no sympathy for other human beings. [1/2 definitions]
feeling A feeling is an emotion. Things like love, hate, anger, and happiness are feelings. Feeling is also the ability to feel emotion, especially things like love and sympathy for other people. [1/5 definitions]
heart love or sympathy. [1/6 definitions]
heartless having or showing no kindness or sympathy; not sharing another's pain.
humanity sympathy, concern, or compassion. [1/3 definitions]
inhuman without human feelings such as warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or not caring.
kind1 showing understanding or sympathy. [1/2 definitions]
mellow having the knowledge and sympathy that often comes with experience and age; being without anger. [1/5 definitions]
pitiful causing pity or sympathy. [1/2 definitions]
pity sympathy or sorrow caused by another's pain, bad luck, or suffering. [2/3 definitions]
poor having bad fortune or bad luck (used to express sympathy). [1/5 definitions]
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
sorry feeling regret, sympathy, or sadness. [1/4 definitions]
sway to change in sympathy or opinion. [1/6 definitions]
sympathy When you feel sad because another person is sad, you are feeling sympathy. When you have sympathy, you understand and feel sorry about the sadness or trouble that another person is having.
understand to have sympathy for. [1/5 definitions]
understanding sympathy or tolerance toward other people. [2/6 definitions]