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aspirin a tablet or pill that contains this drug. [1/2 definitions]
audio An audio is something you can hear on a computer, tablet, or phone. An audio often gives you information, lets you hear how something sounds, or tells you how to do something, [1/3 definitions]
download When you download something from the internet, you put it onto your own computer. When you download something, like a song or a game, it becomes part of your computer's memory. Now you can play the song or game whenever you want without using the internet. You can download things from the internet onto other kinds of things like a music player, tablet, or phone too.
multivitamin a compound or combination of several vitamins in a single pill, tablet, or dose.
pill a small tablet of medicine that is taken by mouth.
plaque a flat plate or tablet, with writing or decoration on it, that is hung on a wall. [1/2 definitions]
tablet A tablet is a small thing that has medicine in it. You take it into your body through your mouth. A tablet is the same thing as a pill.  [3 definitions]