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Children's Dictionary
Amazon a member of a race of tall, strong, and fierce female warriors who are written about in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
antelope an animal with horns, a long neck, long legs, and hooves. Antelopes are known for their fast running. Antelopes are mammals that eat plants and chew their cud. The smallest kind of antelope is only one foot tall; the largest antelope is six feet tall at the shoulder. Gazelles, gnus, and impalas are all antelopes. Most antelopes live in Africa; some also live in Asia. [1/2 definitions]
ape a mammal in the group of primates, which includes chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans. Apes do not have tails. They have very flexible hands and feet. Apes range in size from three to six feet tall, and they can weigh up to 450 pounds. Apes live in the forests in Africa and Asia. [1/2 definitions]
artichoke a plant like a tall thistle with a flower head made up of thick leaves. The head of the artichoke is eaten as a vegetable.
bamboo a tropical grass plant that has hard, woody, hollow stalks. Bamboo stalks grow straight and tall, and very quickly. Many kinds of bamboo grow as high as a tree. [1/2 definitions]
banana a long, curved fruit that has a thick yellow skin. It grows in bunches on a tall tropical plant.
breaker1 a heavy ocean wave that breaks into foam on the shore or at sea.
cattail a tall plant with long, flat leaves that grows in wet places. Cattails have long, brown, fuzzy flower spikes.
climb to grow upward on a tall support. [1/5 definitions]
conga a tall drum played with the hands. [1/2 definitions]
corn1 a tall plant that has ears with rows of yellow or white seeds that can be eaten. Corn is a grain that is used for food. [1/2 definitions]
crane a tall wading bird with long legs and a long neck and bill. A whooping crane is one kind of crane. [2/3 definitions]
daffodil a plant with tall stems and bright yellow or white flowers shaped like bells. Daffodils grow from bulbs and appear in the spring.
drawbridge a bridge built so that it can be raised to allow tall ships to pass beneath or to keep people from crossing over and gaining access, especially to a building such as fortress or castle.
Eiffel Tower a tall tower made of iron constructed in Paris, France in 1889. It is a symbol of Paris and a popular tourist attraction.
eucalyptus a kind of tall evergreen tree native to Australia. The eucalyptus has leaves that give off a strong smelling oil that is used in medicines.
everglade a very large swamp in a warm climate. Rivers or streams flow slowly through an everglade, and tall, thick grass grows throughout.
giraffe a mammal with a very long neck, long legs, and hooves. Giraffes have short horns covered with fur. They live in Africa and eat the tops of trees. Male giraffes can be up to eighteen feet tall. They are the tallest animal that lives on land.
gladiolus a garden plant that has long leaves and colorful flowers growing on tall stems. It is a member of the iris family.
goldenrod a plant with small, yellow flowers on top of tall, stiff stems. It blooms in late summer or early fall.
grandfather clock a pendulum clock that is in a tall, narrow cabinet.