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audio Anything audio has something to do with sound. An audio book is a book that you can hear being read. An audio tape is a tape that has sound recorded on it and that you can listen to. [1/3 definitions]
Band-Aid (Trademark) A Band-Aid brand bandage is a strip of tape that holds a gauze pad. It is used to cover small wounds. [1/3 definitions]
cassette a case with film, audio tape, or video tape inside. Cassettes make it easy to load a camera or recorder.
earphone a small speaker that fits on or in the ear for listening to sound from a radio, tape player, telephone, or other electronic machine.
magnetic tape a thin plastic ribbon with a magnetic coating, used to record sound and images. Magnetic tape is found in audio cassettes and videocassettes.
measuring tape a flexible tape used to measure length; tape measure.
recording the act or process of making a record, compact disk, audio tape, or video tape. [2 definitions]
reel1 a spool or other device on which fishing line, cord, tape, film, or other material can be wound. [1/4 definitions]
rewind to wind again, or to wind back (a cassette tape or the like) to the original position or to a preceding position.
ribbon a long, narrow strip that looks like a ribbon, such as a measuring tape. [1/3 definitions]
sound bite a short statement taken from a video or audio tape that is to be included in a later broadcast.
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends. [1/2 definitions]
spool an object shaped like a cylinder with a rim on each end. Thread, tape, wire, and film are wound on spools.
stick2 to attach with tape, paste, glue, or other similar substance. [1/10 definitions]
tape a long narrow strip of plastic, cloth, or paper that has glue on one side. Tape is used to stick things together. [4 definitions]
tape measure a tool for measuring length made of a long strip of cloth or flexible metal. A tape measure is marked off in inches, centimeters, or other units.
tape recorder a machine used to record sound onto magnetic tape or to play back the sound recorded.
Velcro a trademark for a device that fastens using strips of nylon tape. One strip is covered with tiny hooks that attach to another strip with tiny loops. Velcro is used on clothing and many other items.
videocassette recorder A video cassette recorder is a machine that records and plays movies or television programs. It records, on tape, movies and shows that appear on television. It is also called a "VCR."
videotape a magnetic tape used to record pictures and sound to be played on a television. [2/3 definitions]