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Hanukkah a Jewish festival that runs for eight days in December in which a special candle is lit each night. Hanukkah celebrates the anniversary of the dedication of the temple at Jerusalem and the miracle of the lamp.
pagoda a religious temple of Asia that has curved roof lines at each of its many stories.
synagogue A synagogue is a place of religion. It is a place where Jewish people go to pray and worship. A synagogue is also a place where people sometimes have weddings. A synagogue can also be called a temple.
temple1 A temple is a place of religion where people go to pray and worship and sometimes to listen to someone speak about their god or gods. Hindus, Buddhists, and Jews are some of the people who use temples as their place of religion. Temples can look very different from each other.
worship When people worship their god or gods, they give their love and praise to them. Many people worship in a place of religion such as a church, temple, or mosque. Some people worship just by praying at home or some other place. [1/2 definitions]