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admission Admission is the money you pay to enter a place, such as a movie theater, museum, or amusement park. [1/3 definitions]
balcony an upper floor with rows of seats that juts out into a theater or auditorium. [1/2 definitions]
bowl1 a round stadium or outdoor theater. [1/5 definitions]
box1 a section of a theater in which a small group of people sit to watch the show. [1/5 definitions]
cinema a movie theater. [1/2 definitions]
coliseum a large building or theater used for entertainment events and sports.
complex sentence a sentence made of a main or independent clause and one or more dependent or subordinate clauses. An example of a complex sentence is, "I went to the theater, which was very crowded with people."
curtain the curtain used to hide the stage in a theater. [1/4 definitions]
dramatic of or having to do with the theater and plays. [1/2 definitions]
drive-in an outdoor theater at which people watch movies on a very large screen while sitting in their cars. [1/2 definitions]
exit An exit is a way out of something. You leave the school bus through an exit. You leave a building, like a movie theater or a grocery store, through an exit. [1/3 definitions]
feature the main film in a movie theater. [1/4 definitions]
gallery an upper floor which opens over a theater or large hall; balcony. [1/2 definitions]
impolite If someone is impolite, they have bad manners or they are rude. They don't know or don't care how they should act toward other people. There are many different ways of being impolite, and people don't always agree about what is impolite or not. For example, many people think it is impolite if people talk loudly during a movie at a movie theater. Other people might think it's okay.
in time If you arrive at the airport in time to take your flight, then you are not too late and you can get on the plane. If you get to the movie theater in time to see the beginning of the movie, then you have enough time to arrive before the movie starts. You are not too late.
lobby a hall or open room inside the entrance of a hotel, theater, or other large building. It is often used as a waiting room. [1/3 definitions]
marquee a canopy or a covering like a roof over the entrance to a building. The marquee over a theater shows the title of the current play or film and sometimes the names of the actors.
mime Mime is a type of acting in which an actor communicates with an audience without speaking any words and using only gestures. Mime is often used in funny performances done by just one actor. Mime is not always done in a theater. Mime is sometimes done outside. [1/2 definitions]
movie (plural) a theater where motion pictures are shown. [1/2 definitions]
movie theater A movie theater is a place where you can go to see a movie on a large screen. There are many seats, and many different people come to watch the movie. Usually, you have to pay money for a ticket to get into the theater.
new When something is new, it is in the world for the first time. If you have a new baby sister, it means that she was just born. When there is a new movie at the theater, it means that the movie just came out. When there is a new medicine for some disease, it means that the medicine has just been discovered. [1/3 definitions]