above |
When you are above something, it means you will not do it because you think it is bad or stupid and it's something that good people or grown-up people don't do. [1/4 definitions] |
accept |
to think of as true or correct. [1/5 definitions] |
acceptable |
When something is acceptable, people think it is completely OK. They think it is fine and they approve of it. When something is not acceptable, people think it is completely wrong or bad. [1/2 definitions] |
accepted |
If something is accepted, most people think it is OK, correct, or normal. [2 definitions] |
according to |
If you say that a certain movie is good according to your brother, it means that your brother says that the movie is good. You know that some people might not like the movie, but you are saying only what your brother thinks and not what other people might think. [1/2 definitions] |
actual |
The actual reason for something, is the true reason for it. An actual thing is something that is known or proven to be true, or it is, in fact, the real thing that people think it could be. [1/2 definitions] |
adapt |
When a person adapts to a new situation, they make changes in the way they think or the way they do things. They adapt so that they can live or be happier under new conditions. If a plant or animal adapts, it changes its body or behavior so that it can live under new conditions, such as having to live in a new place or in a different climate. [1/2 definitions] |
admiration |
When you have admiration for someone, you respect them and think are great. |
admire |
When you admire someone, you respect them and think they are great. [2 definitions] |
adolescent |
An adolescent is a person who is in the process of changing from a child into an adult. When we think of an adolescent, we usually think of a teenager or someone in their early twenties. |
adorable |
When we think something is very cute and sweet, we often say it is "adorable." |
advice |
When someone gives you advice, they tell you what they think is the best thing for you to do or the best way to do something. |
advise |
When you advise someone, you tell them what you think they should do. |
afraid |
When you think that something could hurt you and you feel like running away from it, it means that you are afraid. Sometimes when you are afraid, you are worried that some bad thing might happen to you or to someone else. [1/2 definitions] |
after all |
Sometimes when we use "after all," we are making someone remember or think about some important fact. [1/2 definitions] |
against |
If you are against something, it means that you do not agree with it or you think it is wrong. [1/4 definitions] |
agility |
the ability to move or think easily and quickly. |
agree |
When you agree with someone, you have the same thought or feel the same way about something. If you agree with your sister that something is good, it means that she thinks it's good and you think it's good too. [2/5 definitions] |
agreement |
When two people come to an agreement about something, it means that they now think the same way about it. [2/4 definitions] |
ain't |
"Ain't" is a short way to say "am not," "is not," "are not," "have not," or "has not." Some people think that using "ain't" is using English in the wrong way. Many teachers tell students not to write "ain't" in school assignments. |
anger |
Anger is a strong feeling you might have when someone has treated you in a bad way or done something that you think is very wrong or not fair. [1/3 definitions] |