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finger one of the five jointed parts at the end of the hand. Sometimes the thumb is not counted as a finger. [1/3 definitions]
forefinger the finger next to the thumb; index finger.
glove a covering for the hand that has separate parts for each finger and the thumb. [1/3 definitions]
index finger the finger between the thumb and the longest finger. The index finger is the finger most often used for pointing.
little finger Your little finger is your last finger on your hand starting from your thumb.
mitten a covering for the hand, worn for warmth. Mittens have one section for the thumb and one section for the four fingers.
palette a thin, oval board, with a thumb hole, on which a painter holds and mixes colors.
pinch to press hard between two surfaces, such as the finger and thumb. [2/7 definitions]
pinkie (informal) the finger farthest from the thumb; little finger.
suck When babies suck their thumbs, it means that they hold their thumb in their mouth and squeeze it with their tongue. [1/5 definitions]
tack A tack is a short pin that usually has a flat, round head. A tack is made so that you can push it into something like a piece of wood or a wall using your thumb.
thumb the short, thick first finger on humans and other primates. The thumb makes it easy for the hand to pick up things and grasp them. [2/3 definitions]
thumbtack a tack with a flat, round head that can be pressed into a wooden or cork board with a thumb.