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Alexandria a city in Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea at the tip of the Nile delta. Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great.
apex the highest point; tip.
asparagus a plant related to the lily, whose young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The shoots are shaped like spears with scaly leaves at the tip.
ballpoint a pen that has a small ball in its tip. The ball moves the ink from the pen to the paper.
bug an insect with front wings that are thick at the base and thin at the tip. There are many kinds of bugs. All have mouths made for sucking, and most feed on plants. [1/6 definitions]
centimeter A centimeter is a certain length. We might say that a short pencil is ten centimeters long, for example. When we measure something in centimeters, we are using a system of measuring called the metric system. When we use the metric system, we don't use measuring words like inch and foot. We use words like centimeter and meter. A centimeter is pretty short. A centimeter is about as long as a ladybug or maybe the tip of your little finger. A short way to write centimeter is "cm."
Chicago a city in the U.S. state of Illinois. It is near the southern tip of Lake Michigan.
cock2 to tip to one side or turn up; tilt.
cue2 a long, thin stick with a narrow tip, used to hit the ball in the game of pool or billiards.
fingerprint a mark made by the tip of a finger on an object that it has touched. Police and hospital records keep fingerprints made by a finger dipped in ink. These are used for identification, because no two people have the same fingerprint. [1/2 definitions]
fishhook a metal hook with a barb and sharp tip, used to catch fish.
gargle to tip the head back and breathe out through a liquid held at the back of the throat. [1/2 definitions]
long1 If a TV show is one hour long, then it takes one hour to watch it. It lasts one hour from beginning to end. If a snake is three feet long, it measures three feet from the tip of its head to the end of its tail. [1/6 definitions]
marker a pen, usually with a felt tip, that makes thick lines of ink. A marker is used for marking and writing.
nipple the rounded tip at the center of a mammal's breast. [1/2 definitions]
overturn to cause to tip over; upset. [1/2 definitions]
Paraguay River a large river in South America that begins in southwestern Brazil, flows through Paraguay and along its border with Argentina. Finally, it joins the Paraná River at the southwestern tip of Paraguay.
quarterstaff a long, strong, wooden pole with an iron tip, used in the past as a weapon.
scorpion a small animal related to the spider. It has a long, narrow body and a tail with a tip that can inject venom. Scorpions live in many warm, dry areas of the world.
span1 A span is the distance from one wing tip to the other on an airplane or bird. This is also called "wingspan." [1/5 definitions]
spear1 a weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp pointed tip. Spears are thrown or thrust with the hand. [1/2 definitions]