bellow |
to shout loudly and with a deep tone. [1/4 definitions] |
cello |
a large musical instrument with four strings. The cello is in the violin family but has a deeper tone than the violin. |
clash |
to not match or work together in color, tone, or time. [1/5 definitions] |
dial tone |
A dial tone is the sound you hear in a telephone that lets you know it's OK to make a call. The sound is like a steady hum or buzz. |
do2 |
the syllable that indicates the first or last tone of a musical scale. |
double bass |
the largest instrument of the violin family and that which has the deepest tone. The double bass is often called simply "the bass." |
drone2 |
to talk in a boring voice without changing one's tone. [1/3 definitions] |
English horn |
a woodwind instrument that looks like the oboe but is larger and lower in tone. |
expression |
the use of tone of voice or position of the body or face to show feeling. [1/4 definitions] |
fa |
the syllable that indicates the fourth tone of a musical scale. |
fair1 |
of a light tone. [1/7 definitions] |
flat1 |
a musical tone that is a half step lower than another. [1/12 definitions] |
hollow |
dull or deep in tone. [1/7 definitions] |
inflection |
a change in the pitch or tone of a voice. [1/3 definitions] |
key1 |
the main tone of the scale in a musical work. [1/6 definitions] |
la |
the syllable that indicates the sixth tone of a musical scale. |
mellow |
soft in tone. [1/5 definitions] |
mi |
the syllable that indicates the third tone of a musical scale. |
monotone |
speech with little or no change in tone. |
mutter |
to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble. [1/2 definitions] |
note |
a single musical tone, or a written symbol used to stand for one. [1/8 definitions] |