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acacia a tree that grows in tropical areas of the world, especially in parts of Africa and Australia. The branches of an acacia spread out very wide and evenly across the top. Sometimes the top of the tree looks almost flat.
anvil a heavy metal block with a flat top on which heated metal objects are hammered into shapes.
appoint When a top person appoints someone to do a special job, they choose that person to do that job. Appointing is a kind of command from the top person, but usually the person who is appointed is willing or happy to be chosen to do the job. Also, they can usually say "no" if they want to.
arch1 An arch is a curved structure. An arch goes over the top of an open space. You can sometimes see an arch over the top of a big entrance to a place. Arches are often made of stone. [1/2 definitions]
attic An attic is the space in a house that is under the roof and over the ceiling of the top floor. People often store things in the attic.
barrel a round container with a flat top and bottom and bulging sides, often made of wood boards and metal hoops. [1/4 definitions]
basic The basics are the most important things you need to learn about something. The basics are the things that everything else is built on top of. [1/3 definitions]
battlement (often plural) a wall along the top of a castle, fort, or tower that has openings for people to shoot through.
better to do better than; to top or go beyond. [1/11 definitions]
blowhole a nostril in the top of the head of a whale, dolphin, or porpoise. The blowhole is used to breathe. [1/3 definitions]
bonus A bonus is something good that you didn't expect. A bonus happens on top of something else. [1/2 definitions]
bottle A bottle is something used to hold things like water, milk, or juice. A bottle is narrow around the top and is usually made of glass or plastic. [1/3 definitions]
bow1 When you bow, you bend your head or top half of your body forward. When you bow, it sends a message to other people. Sometimes bowing means "Thank you," and sometimes it means "Hello. I show respect to you." Sometimes it means "Yes, I will do what you asked." [1/2 definitions]
box1 A box is a container made of stiff material such as cardboard or wood. Boxes usually have four sides, a bottom, and a top called a lid. [1/3 definitions]
brief Briefs are a type of underwear. They cover your body from the top of your legs to your waist. They are usually plain and often made of cotton. [1/2 definitions]
brim the top edge of a hollow object such as a cup; rim. [1/3 definitions]
brink A brink is a kind of edge. It is the top edge of a cliff or steep hill. A brink is a dangerous spot. [1/2 definitions]
broil1 to cause (something) to become extremely hot or to burn, especially at the top surface. [1/2 definitions]
bucket an open container with round sides, a flat bottom, and a curved handle attached to the top; pail.
buffet2 a piece of furniture with a flat top and shelves or drawers to store table linens, dishes, and silverware. [1/2 definitions]
bun a hair style shaped like a bun. The hair is gathered at the back or top of the head. [1/2 definitions]