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Children's Dictionary
abuse cruel or harmful treatment. [1/6 definitions]
CAT scan an image of an area of the body that is formed from a grouping of x-rays on a computer. CAT scans are used to make a diagnosis in medical treatment. CAT stands for computerized axial tomography.
clinic a place that gives medical treatment, usually to people who do not need to stay in a hospital overnight.
dish it out to give out criticism or harsh treatment in a heartless manner.
doctor's office a building, or place within a building, used by a single doctor or a group of doctors, where patients can come to talk with their doctor or receive treatment when they have an appointment.
favor to give special treatment to; prefer. [1/6 definitions]
health care the activity or field of maintaining health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and injury. [1/2 definitions]
HIV abbreviation of "human immunodeficiency virus." HIV is the virus that causes a disease called AIDS. AIDS is a serious disease that stops the body from being able to protect itself from other diseases. Having the HIV virus does not always lead to AIDS if one receives treatment.
hospitalize to place in a hospital for medical treatment.
justice deserved treatment, reward, or punishment. [1/4 definitions]
manicure a treatment for the fingernails that includes trimming, shaping, and sometimes polishing. [1/2 definitions]
massage a treatment of the body that involves rubbing and kneading to help the blood circulate better and to relax muscles. [1/2 definitions]
maul to hurt by beating or through other rough treatment. [1/2 definitions]
mercy kind treatment by someone who has some power over another. [1/2 definitions]
patient a person or animal that is getting medical treatment. [1/3 definitions]
prejudice hatred or unfair treatment toward a person or group without cause or reason. Prejudice is often directed toward people of a certain race or religion. [1/3 definitions]
racism unfair treatment of people based on the opinion that one race, typically the race with more wealth and power, is better than another race or races. Racism exists all over the world and takes different forms. [1/2 definitions]
sexist the unfair treatment of a person because of his or her sex.
therapy treatment meant to cure a disease or heal an injury.
ticklish needing careful, sensitive treatment. [1/2 definitions]
wrong treatment or action that is not fair or just. [1/8 definitions]