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accomplishment If you try to do something that is hard, it is an accomplishment when you finish it. An accomplishment is something that a person has done or finished in a successful way. People are often proud of their accomplishments or just happy that they were able to do them.
address When you address something, you give your attention to it and try to do what needs to be done about it. [1/6 definitions]
advertise to try to find something by placing a notice or advertisement in a public place (usually followed by "for"). [1/3 definitions]
advocate When someone advocates something, they believe strongly in the importance or value of that thing, and they try to get other people to support it or accept it too. [1/3 definitions]
aggressive An aggressive country is not friendly and is ready to attack other countries. If a person acts in an aggressive way, they try to hurt other people, or they act as if they want to. [1/2 definitions]
agitate to try to stir up public support (often followed by "for" or "against"). [1/3 definitions]
aim to intend or try (often followed by "to" or "at"). [1/6 definitions]
ambition When you have ambition, you have big goals for your life that you want to make come true. When you have a particular ambition, you have a certain goal that you want to reach. Probably you will try hard to have success in reaching it.
answer When someone answers you or answers your question, it means that they say something back after you ask them something. Usually, they try to tell you what you want to know. [1/4 definitions]
aside When you put bad feelings aside, you try to forget about them. [1/3 definitions]
assess to look at and try to discover the quality or degree of (something); evaluate; estimate. [1/3 definitions]
attack When something or someone attacks, they begin to harm or try to destroy something. When a cat attacks a mouse, the cat jumps at the mouse and starts to hurt it. [1/4 definitions]
attempt to try or seek. [1/3 definitions]
audition to try out for a role or position by performing. [1/3 definitions]
bait to try to anger by teasing or nagging. [1/4 definitions]
bend over backward to try very hard; make a great effort.
bend over backwards to try very hard; make a great effort.
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
blackmail to obtain or try to obtain blackmail from. [1/3 definitions]
bluff2 to try to fool a person by pretending something is true when it is not. [1/3 definitions]
bob2 to try to take hold of floating or hanging objects with the mouth as part of a game. [1/4 definitions]