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aqueduct a structure like a bridge for carrying a waterway or pipe across a river or valley. [1/2 definitions]
canyon a deep valley with steep sides.
dale a valley.
Euphrates a river in southwest Asia. It flows from eastern Turkey south through Iraq. It joins the Tigris River in a valley where some of the most ancient civilizations were located.
glen a small, narrow valley.
Grand Canyon a long, deep valley with steep, rocky walls formed by the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is in northwestern Arizona.
gulch a rocky valley with steep sides. A gulch sometimes has a stream running through it.
hollow a low area of land; a small valley. [1/7 definitions]
papyrus a tall water plant of the Nile valley in Egypt grown as an ornamental plant and once used to make a material like paper. [1/2 definitions]
ravine a deep, narrow valley. Ravines are usually created by flowing water.
Tigris a river of southwest Asia. It flows through Turkey and Iraq. It joins the Euphrates River in a valley where some of the most ancient civilizations were located.
valley a long area of low land between mountains or hills. A stream or river often runs through a valley.