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Children's Dictionary
Angora any of various animals that have long silky hair, such as a cat, rabbit, or goat. [1/3 definitions]
blacksmith a person who forges and shapes iron. Blacksmiths soften the iron with heat and use hammers and anvils to form it into various items.
circumstance a situation made up of various factors that affect one. [1/3 definitions]
complicated not simple; having many parts that are connected in various ways. [1/2 definitions]
drone1 an aircraft that is controlled from a distance and does not carry pilots or passengers. Drones are used for various purposes such as taking pictures from the air, delivering supplies, fighting fires, and attacking military targets. [1/2 definitions]
English the language of this country or a manner of speaking that language. English is also standard in various other countries such as the United States. [1/4 definitions]
hardware store a store that sells tools and equipment made of metal, as well as other types of tools, paints, cleaners, and various household items.
hare a small mammal with long ears. Hares are large rabbits with very strong back legs used for jumping. Various kinds of hares live in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and Central America.
instrument any of various devices for making music, such as a trumpet or piano. [1/2 definitions]
knit to join together loops of yarn by hand with long needles or by machine, in order to make various items such as sweaters, blankets, and shawls. [1/5 definitions]
laboratory a place for science students to experiment, make observations, and practice scientific techniques, or a place equipped with special technology for various students to use as an aid to learning. [1/3 definitions]
mixing bowl a bowl in which things can be combined when preparing food. Mixing bowls come in various sizes.
pasta a food made from flour, eggs, and water and dried in various forms, such as macaroni or spaghetti.
pot1 any of various similar containers that are somewhat deep and round, often made out of clay. [1/4 definitions]
sack1 a large bag made of thick paper or other strong material and used for holding various kinds of things such as grain, potatoes, onions, coarse salt, and seeds. [1/4 definitions]
sea animal any of various animals that live in the sea, including fish, invertebrates, and certain mammals.
seal2 a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Seals are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of seals live in both warm and cold parts of the world's oceans. A few kinds live in fresh water. Seals are carnivores that eat fish and sea birds. They are closely related to sea lions and walruses.
sea lion a mammal that spends most of its life in the ocean. Sea lions are a kind of pinniped, or mammal with flippers instead of feet. Various kinds of sea lions live on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean. Sea lions are carnivores that eat fish and squid. They are closely related to seals and walruses.
solitaire any of various card games played by one person alone. [1/2 definitions]
stuff (informal) things of various sorts, such as ideas, actions, facts, and things that are said or thought. [1/7 definitions]
talent show a program of entertainment that consists of various performers and performing groups who compete to show off their talent. Performances are mostly musical, but there are often comedy and dance routines, acrobatics, and other types of entertainment also.