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browser A browser is a computer program that helps you explore the internet. When you want to go on the internet, the first thing you do is to open your browser. Your browser lets you visit different websites, play games, watch videos, and find all kinds of information online.
call to make a visit. [2/10 definitions]
casual When people make a casual visit to someone, they make a visit that is not planned. [1/2 definitions]
drop by If your friend drops by, they stop for a quick visit at your house. There might not be any real plan for the visit and you may be surprised to see them. Sometimes people drop by at some place just because it is on their way somewhere.
Georgia Georgia is a country in Asia. Russia and Turkey are two of its neighbors. Georgia is a country with many mountains and has a language that is very different from the languages of its neighbors. The mountains of Georgia are home to badgers, wolves, bears, and lynx. People who visit Georgia can hike and climb in the hills and mountains, enjoy beaches on the Black Sea, and also see many beautiful, old churches. [1/2 definitions]
guide A guide is a person who goes along with a group as they visit a place and shows them interesting things about it as they go along. You have to know a lot about a place to be a guide. [1/6 definitions]
haunt to live in or visit as a ghost. [1/3 definitions]
Indonesia Indonesia is a large country made up of a group of islands that stretches from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Some of Indonesia's islands are bigger than many countries of the world. Indonesia has many jungles, and it has mountains that are volcanoes. It also has large cities and beautiful beaches that tourists like to visit. Many different groups of people live in Indonesia, but the main language is Indonesian.
Jamaica Jamaica is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people visit Jamaica to enjoy its beaches, its music, and its delicious food. Many people make a living in Jamaica by working with the tourists that come to visit. Some people make a living by growing coffee plants or sugar cane. When you have sugar on your cereal, just think that it might have come from the island of Jamaica!
local A local is someone who lives in some particular area and is part of that community. A local is not a tourist or a visitor. In the town where you live, you are one of the locals. If you go to visit another place, you will not be one of the locals there. [1/4 definitions]
look up If you look someone up, you go to visit them after making sure of their address. [1/3 definitions]
monthly If you do something monthly, you do it once a month. If you visit your grandparents monthly, it means that you visit them once a month. [1/3 definitions]
pay to visit or call. [1/9 definitions]
personal If a president, queen, or other famous person makes a personal visit to someone, they go to see that person themselves. They don't just write a letter or make a phone call to that person, and they don't send someone else instead of going themselves. [1/3 definitions]
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
respect When you pay your respects to someone, you visit or greet them while showing honor and politeness. [1/7 definitions]
return When you make a return visit, it means that you come back for another visit. [1/5 definitions]
see1 to visit for social or other reasons. [1/8 definitions]
souvenir A souvenir is something that you keep so that you will remember a place, event, or other thing in your life. Many places that people visit sell souvenirs such as hats, small toys, T-shirts, or flags.
stay1 a visit or short period of living. [1/6 definitions]
stop to pause for a short visit during a course or journey (often followed by "at," "in," or "by"). [1/10 definitions]