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colonialism the practice that a country is engaged in when it takes over another country and sets up its own government and colony there. A "colony" is what the country is called that is taken over by the more powerful country. Colonialism serves the purpose of creating wealth and power for the ruling country.
conquistador Conquistadors were military men who came from Spain to the Americas in the 1500s. They came leading soldiers to conquer the people there and take wealth for Spain.
fortune a large amount of money or wealth. [1/3 definitions]
greed a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves.
means wealth in general, or the amount of money needed for something. [1/2 definitions]
Pluto the god of wealth and of the underworld in Greek mythology. [1/2 definitions]
prestige importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth.
prosperous having wealth, success, or good fortune.
racism unfair treatment of people based on the opinion that one race, typically the race with more wealth and power, is better than another race or races. Racism exists all over the world and takes different forms. [1/2 definitions]
resource (often plural) a source of a nation's wealth. [1/5 definitions]
wealth Wealth is a large amount of money or property. [2 definitions]
wealthy rich; having wealth.