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Children's Dictionary
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [1/2 definitions]
crop a whip handle, or the short riding whip used on horses. [1/7 definitions]
flail to beat with a flail, whip, or the fists. [1/4 definitions]
hickory the wood of a hickory tree, or a rod made of this wood for use as a walking stick or whip. [1/2 definitions]
lash1 a whip or the striking part of a whip. [5/8 definitions]
rawhide a rope or whip made of such leather. [1/2 definitions]
switch a thin branch or rod used like a whip. [1/8 definitions]
thrash to give a beating to; whip. [1/2 definitions]
whip to strike with the motion or force of a whip. [1/7 definitions]