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about If you are about finished with something, it means you are almost finished. You will be finished very soon. [1/9 definitions]
above When you are above something, it means you will not do it because you think it is bad or stupid and it's something that good people or grown-up people don't do. [1/4 definitions]
adequate When something is adequate, it is good enough, or it will work well enough for what is needed. [1/2 definitions]
adhesive If something is adhesive, it is sticky. It will make things hold together. [1/2 definitions]
advanced When something is at a much higher level than the beginning level, it is advanced. If you've been playing the drums for five years, you will be at a more advanced level than someone who is just starting to learn.
advertise When you advertise something, you show or tell people good things about it so that they will want to buy it. [2/3 definitions]
afford When you can afford to do something, it means that you can do it and there will be no harm or other serious result from doing it. [1/3 definitions]
agreement an understanding between people or groups that states what kind of action is to be taken and what each person's responsibility will be. The document that describes this understanding is also called an agreement. [1/4 definitions]
air When you air a room, you open doors and windows so that air can move through it. You air a room to take away smoke, dust, or things that smell bad. When you air something like a pillow or rug, you put it outside so that it will smell cleaner. [1/4 definitions]
ally An ally is someone who will help you achieve some goal, usually because they agree with this goal and they want to help you reach it. They want the same thing as you do. They are on the same side as you. An ally is sometimes a friend, but an ally may just be someone who will cooperate with you in trying to do something.
almanac a book published every year that predicts the weather for each day and gives facts about the tides, the time the sun will rise and set, and other useful information. [1/2 definitions]
ambition When you have ambition, you have big goals for your life that you want to make come true. When you have a particular ambition, you have a certain goal that you want to reach. Probably you will try hard to have success in reaching it.
anticipate When people anticipate something, they believe it will happen and they are happy about it. [1/2 definitions]
anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen.
anything If you like doing anything with your friends, it means that you like whatever you do with your friends. It doesn't matter which thing you do--you're always happy. If your brother will eat anything, it means he doesn't care what he eats. Maybe he will even eat bugs! [1/3 definitions]
appeal When something has appeal, it means it can get people's interest and attention. There is something about it that people like. When a product has appeal, a lot of people will probably buy it. Appeal is a kind of power to attract. [2/6 definitions]
approximate If somebody tells you the approximate time a game will end, they tell you what time they think it will end, but they might be a little wrong. They are just guessing. An approximate time or approximate amount is probably close to the real time of something or a real amount of something, but probably not exact. [1/2 definitions]
aptitude An aptitude is a natural ability to do something. If you an have aptitude for something, you will be able to do it without trying very hard or you can learn to do it easily.
argue When you argue something, you say things that you hope will make other people agree with you or do what you want them to do. [1/2 definitions]
around If your dad will be home around dinner time, it means that he will be home near dinner time. He might be a little bit late or a little bit early. If you have around fifty cents in your pocket, you might have a little more or less than that, but the amount is near fifty cents. [1/11 definitions]
ashamed Sometimes when you are ashamed, you feel bad about something that is yours. You feel that it is not as good as what other people have, or maybe you think it is something for little kids and you are too old for it. You might not want other people to see it or know that it is yours. You are afraid they will laugh or not respect you because of it. [2/3 definitions]