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bend When something bends, it is not straight anymore. It becomes curved or it takes the shape of an angle. When it's very windy, the trees bend. [1/5 definitions]
foul stormy, windy, rainy, or otherwise dangerous or unpleasant. [1/11 definitions]
Neptune Neptune is a large, round thing out in space. Like Earth, it is a planet that goes around the sun. Neptune is very far from the sun, though, and it is very, very cold. It is also a very windy planet and can have big storms that last for years!
stormy If the weather outside is stormy, it means there is a storm happening now. It might be very windy and rainy and full of lightning and thunder. If summers are stormy, it means that summers get a lot of storms. [1/2 definitions]
windswept exposed to the wind; windy.
windy When it is windy, the air around us is moving very fast. On a windy day, the branches of trees move a lot, and sometimes people's hats fly off.